Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Three Cups of Tea

I love reading.
I love reading books.
I'm not convinced I'm an e-reader type, and not in any kind of hurry to find out, because I'm so in love with the whole experience of reading books - from the smell of the paper and ink, to feeling the weight of a good read balanced in my hands, to the luxury of being able to read anywhere I want - from the bath to the beach.

Usually I gravitate towards fiction and novels; however, this month I am reading Three Cups of Tea. It's the incredible story of Greg Mortenson's life project to build schools for the children (both boys and girls) in remote rural Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The story is absolutely inspiring - especially considering how Greg's vision started out from literally nothing.  It is written in such a way that one feels immersed in events, as they unfold - from the sheer exhaustion of trying (and failing) to climb K2, to being inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas, to the desperate need to follow through on a promise and vision made to people on the other side of the world - without the resources to do so, to experiencing the drive along treacherous mountain roads, to the frustrations of working in another culture and language, to the sadness of losing a beloved family member, to falling in love with a soul mate, to being kidnapped and held for 8 days on the other side of the world - on the eve of becoming a first time father ...
Greg Mortenson is continuing to make a difference in a part of the world that lately, we most often associate with war, oppression and violence.  His website is:

I love reading, and my new love is this book.   If you've already read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book, and on Greg's work.

Watch the video of Greg Mortenson and George Stromboulopoulos from CBC's The Hour.

As Always,

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