Monday, April 4, 2011

Singing my afternoon away....

Well - with this past weekend's April Snowstorm, I can't decide if Mother Nature is just late finding her way back to Southern Alberta, OR if she just has a really bad sense of humour... APRIL FOOLS DAY was FRIDAY!!!!! Enough with winter already!!
April 2, 2011 - view from my front window - wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!!!!!

On a bright note - at least the sun came out on Sunday, and the snow was perfect for sledding and snowman building..... admire the masterpiece of snowsculpture that Ken and Evy created in our front yard....
Evy's PJ Day in the Springtime Snow, April 3, 2011
The snow is still on the ground today, and while it's wonderful to report that the warm sun is shining again, and the robins are singing their little red breasted hearts out,  unfortunately our snowman has fallen over, there's not much snow left on our sledding hill and it's too mucky pull the bikes out this afternoon..... SO, instead, I have all of the windows in my house open to the spring air, and we are having an inside playday complete with princess colouring pages, barbie dolls and lots of singing,  In fact, Evy has decided to sing instead of talk today, and refuses to answer me, unless I sing back to her - so we are having our own mini off-key opera going on at our house this afternoon.... hmmm maybe I should close those windows afterall.

But then, there really is something special about this time of year, the warmth of the sun, the smell of melting snow (when there are no dogs nearby), the birds chirping away as they search out nesting spots, the prospect of putting away the ole parka and snowboots, and you really have gotta love Spring Fever's ability to drop our inhibitions!!! So, having said that, I guess as long as our caterwauling doesn't scare away the robins, I think I'll keep the windows open and Sing! Sing! Sing!

As always, Dayna

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