Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann

When I was a little girl, my mom had a poster that she kept on the wall in our home.   I remember it being very long and very wordy, and because there were no unicorns on it (yes, I was that kind of girly girl), I never bothered to really look at it.
Just before Thanksgiving of my first year at university, my father had a very serious health scare... so scary that when I came home from school for the long-weekend, my parents called my siblings and me together for a family meeting to let us know the doctors were giving him 6 months.
I Thank God they were wrong about that, and I Thank God for modern medicine, because my father is still with us today - more than 20 years later.  ANYWAYS, it was during that trip home that I happened to notice my mom's poster, and actually read it for the first time.

Perhaps it was because I was distressing myself "with dark imaginings" and had many fears "born of fatigue and (the anticipated) loneliness" of losing my beloved father; AND perhaps it was because, at the tender age of 19, and living away from home for the first time, I was always comparing myself to others, and was overwhelmed by the misguided pressure to have to know right away what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life; BUT, whether it be the context of when I read it the first time, OR whether it be the inspiring message it carries - this piece has stayed with me over the years,

The poster was a poem called Desiderata - at the time it was credited to Anonymous, but I have since learned that it was actually written by a gentleman named Max Ehrmann.
Today, I have a plaque that bears the same words as that old poster did, hanging in my bedroom.  I don't pretend to read it everyday - BUT it does catch my eye from time to time, and whenever I'm feeling particularly stressed, or unsure about my future, I read it again to keep perspective on life.
SO, in honour of my younger self, who didn't trust enough that the path she was on would lead to a full and wonderful life and who constantly worried about the fact that she would choose the wrong fork in the road -  I share it with you today.

As always, Dayna

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

The lyrics of today's favourite thing say it all.
Give it a listen - forward it to your younger self and take to heart this advice for the ages....

As always, Dayna

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Imogen Heap - "Just For Now"

I LOVE this artist.
I LOVE the composition of this song.
I envision this version as a sound painting, and lose myself in it every time I hear it.
I wish I were more musical - but alas being born into a self-diagnosed tone deaf family my musical performances are limited to karaokeing with my 5 year old daughter (when no one else is at home), or when I've had too much wine to really care what you think about my (ahem) crooning.
ANYWAYS - even though I don't make much time to express myself creatively these days - I have long ago accepted that painting and drawing is my personal poetry, whereas music such as this is my muse.
So enjoy this song.  It's my future inspiration and will definitely be on the playlist in my glass bottle walled dream studio.

As always, Dayna

pausing for a moment

I'm feeling a little blue today - some very dear friends of ours have recently decided to separate, and today they announced it to the world.  I guess it was coming for some time, but still, now that it's happened, my heart is feeling a little broken for them and their children, and for all of the fun times we shared together as families.
I hope they know how much we love them, and that we will be here for them in whatever way they need as they work their way through this transition.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Glass Bottle Walls - my dream studio

If only I were a little braver in my youth, a little more confident;  if only I hadn't been so afraid of losing myself in my art - of expressing myself in full colour on canvas and paper; and if only I hadn't listened to all of the well-intentioned advice I received, about art not being the best "career choice" for me.   Wouldn't it be interesting to see how different my life path might have been.  Not that I'm sorry with the decisions I made that have brought me to where and who I am today, because I really do love my life.  I am surrounded by more blessings than my younger self could never have imagined.
Today though, it's almost 17 years since I graduated from university and I feel like I've misplaced my inspiration to create art - I feel an inner-restraint on my creativity, like I've never felt before....and it makes me a little sad.

Granted being a busy wife and mother of 2 energetic children, it makes it difficult to find time to be alone and quiet with my thoughts, nevermind time to create for creativity's sake - So these days I try to look for inspiration in my kids' innocent world views; their unique senses of humour; and the way they keep making new discoveries about themselves and their surroundings - like they are waking up a little more to the world each and every day.  I find myself expressing my creativity in unexpected and odd ways - playing around with recipes in the kitchen (sometimes disastrously - like my Valentines Day Red Velvet cheesecake fiasco); not following Doug's lego instructions in exactly the right order (thereby creating starships from the wrong galaxy); and refusing to colour the Disney Princess dresses in the prescribed colours - much to Evy's chagrin... oooo I've become such an artistic rebel!!!

Time moves quickly the older I get- all the more it seems since I became a mom, so I imagine one day, probably sooner than I'll be ready for, I will wake up to a quiet house again - alone with my husband, wandering through an empty nest.
When that time comes, one of my wishes will be that I find and commit to my long lost inner artist... and when I do, I hope that she and I can get to know each other again, surrounded by beauty, eclecticism and inspiration - and I would love to do this in an artist's studio like this one in New Zealand  (I found it on the Glass Bottle Walls  website:)

with a shady porch like this:
that overlooks a magnificent view like this:
or this:

Sigh.... one day.
Let me consider this post, my way of putting my dream out into the universe to see if the law of attraction really does work :)

As Always, Dayna

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recipe for my magical vanilla matcha - a Saturday morning indulgence

I love tea - all makes and types of it (well - except most herbals, but if that makes me a tea-snob, so be it.)
Today, I want to make note of my matcha* magic.

A couple of years ago, I came across a little teashop in Banff that sold a wonderful matcha blend called: Vanilla Cloud Matcha, made by Domo** (  It's kind of like a Starbucks green tea latte, but a gazillion times better.  I fell in love, stocked up and indulged.  Unfortunately, my stash ran out, and when I went to replenish, I found out that it is indefinitely out of stock - SO, rather than go into withdrawal, I went to Chinatown.

There I found a big bag of plain powdered green tea, and started experimenting to find my own version of the Vanilla Cloud Matcha recipe that I could fall back on.  I succeeded satisfactorily, and the following "recipe" has become my Saturday morning treat; my Sunday Afternoon curled up with a good book escape; my early morning rushing off to work nutritious caffeine hit; and the "special tea" treat I make for my kids whenever I'm in a particularly good (and generous mood).

Dayna's Magical Vanilla Matcha (a hug-in-a-mug like no other):
 (note: I usually guesstimate quantities - so play around until you find proportions that are right for you)

1 Large Mug - that you can hug your hands around
1 T powdered milk
1/2 to 1 tsp powdered green tea (less tea = more creamy drink.... d'uh)
1 T white sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla flavour
Mix all of the above together with 1/4 cup boiling water in the bottom of your mug (this helps to dissolve the tea powder.)
Fill mug with hot milk (can use skim, 2%, homo, rice, almond or soy milk)
Top with a pinch of cinnamon.

I actually make this recipe up in bulk quantities, so i can just go and grab a cup on a whim, without having to get out all the measuring spoons.

Optional: If you have a milk steamer, USE IT.  If not, you can put the whole concoction in a blender and whip it up before drinking it

Other Suggestions:
1) Replace the vanilla with cocoa powder to taste (Domo tea called this Chocolate Ecstasy).  This is a nice option, but personally I prefer my hot cocoa a little richer - as in pure 100% cocoa and a touch of sugar without any other flavour distractions.

In the inspired words of Dora's Backpack..... "yumyumyumyumyum delicioso!!!"

As Always, Dayna

* P.S. According to the wisdom of Wikipedia:  Matcha (抹茶?, pronounced [mat.tɕa][1]) refers to finely-milled Japanese green tea. The cultural activity called the Japanese tea ceremony centers on the preparation, serving, and drinking of matcha. In modern times, matcha has also come to be used to flavour and dye foods such as mochi and soba noodles, green tea ice cream and a variety of wagashi (Japanese confectionery).

**P.P.S. Incidentally Domo Tea still makes delicious teas that you can order through their website.  They were recently featured on CBC's Dragon's Den:

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Friday morning laugh that makes me nostalgic for high school... (don't ask)

So - here it is, the end of my first week in the personal blogosphere.
So far I've been quite enjoying talking to myself out here... hmmm, don't think I'll explore that one too much further... BUT - my lack of online social life aside, and in honour of Friday, here is today's favourite thing:

A while back, I was killing time on YouTube, and came across this hilarious channel:  .  It's a couple of guys (who I think have been friends for years), doing comedy sketches.  In a funny way, these guys remind me of some of my oldest friends from high school (Here's lookin' at you Mutants). Thanks to Facebook, I've reconnected with my old friends, and thanks to YouTube, I can vicariously flashback to some of the silliness of my youth... the only thing that would make this channel more perfect is if it featured a that same group of buddies from North Bay, Ontario circa 1986-1990. Oh how I wish I could laugh with you all in person again!!

As Always,  Dayna

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brazilian BBQ

Last night I took my in-laws out to dinner in Calgary, while my husband took our son out to a Flames vs. Stars NHL game (thanks to tickets Santa brought) - for what it's worth Flames won 4-2.   Mid way through the game my son texted to tell me: "This is cool mommy - there is real fire when the Flames score."  I don't know if he really cared who won - he was just captivated by the crowd cheering and the fire.... oh to be 8 again.

ANYWAYS - while they were at the game, I decided to entertain his mom and her husband, on their last night in Alberta, by taking them out to dinner in the city...... and what a dinner it was!!!

One of my friends recommended Bolero, which is a Brazilian Steakhouse on MacLeod Trail (  It was so much fun - like a buffet where the food comes to you... similar to dim sum I guess, but all the grilled meats and grilled vegetables are served to you at your table, from these long sword-like skewers..... very cool!!  The atmosphere is dark and cozy, but still family friendly.  The Bar had a pretty good wine list, and some South America cocktails that are totally worth indulging in!!!  Desserts were enormous and mouthwatering - and entirely unnecessary, after the HUGE amount of food we ate. 
I booked our reservation online through their very handy reservation system - and it's a good thing I did, because the place was surprisingly busy for a Wednesday night! I can't wait to go back again with my whole family (unless I find a way to whisk my husband away on a romantic date sans kids - haha).

So, in honour of my amazing dinner last night, at a very funky restaurant, my favourite-thing link-of-the-day is to a video for another Bolero - this one by Ravel. It's played by a neat musical group called Barrage and is a very compeling interpretation of a fantastic piece of classical music (which we incidentally used for our wedding march - oh so many years ago).....


As Always, Dayna

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy First Day of Winter..... redux

After a heavenly week-long spring interlude, this morning winter officially returned to southern Alberta - the snow is falling softly, the birds are gorging themselves at the bird feeder and BBBBaby it's CCCold outside.

I never did catch if the groundhog saw his shadow or not this year, so I guess I'll just have to wait another 6 weeks to see what Mother Nature has in store for us weather-wise

hmmmm, how Canadian am I?  It's only my second day of blogging and I'm already talking about the weather...

OK - so rather than throwing in the towel, I'm going to embrace the season full force and share with you a link to a beautiful origami snowflake pattern that I discovered last fall... it's a bit challenging to fold, but the end result is BEAUTIFUL!!! (and best of all, won't melt in the next spring tease)....

Happy Folding and Happy Day!!!!

As Always, Dayna

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I wanna learn to play ukelele

Trying something new...

Well - here it is, 8:45am Tuesday - the day after Valentines Day.  A beautiful and surprisingly warm February morning.... gotta love chinooks - at least when they don't come with migraines!!

One kid is off to school, the other is home with a cold.... probably not bad enough to keep her away from school, but what the heck, she's only in kindergarten, and her grandparents (who are visiting from Ontario) will be leaving in a day or two, so consider this bonding time for them.

I can't really tell you why I've finally decided to start a personal blog - today of all days.  I've been thinking about it for some time, but never having been much of a journaller, I don't know if I'm really ready to commit to this medium, so we'll see how it goes.

I think I want to use this space to record whatever inspires me, or catches my attention at any given time.

I envision posting :
- recipes I discover (in my random quest to find the perfect red velvet anything.... for no other reason than I like how the name rolls off my tongue...RRRRrrrrred Velllllvvvett;
- links to places, videos, photos and podcasts that captivate me (I LOVE and CBC Radio Podcasts);
- crafts and other projects that I'm working on (or more realistically - adding to my list of things I wish to do whenever I find time);
- thoughts about movies I've seen (or want to see);
- books I've read (or am reading);
- music that I lose myself with;
- newly discovered (and old comfort) favourite foods and beverages (I'm an epicurean wannabe... mmmmm goatcheese);
- favourite things (that I would buy all my friends a la Oprah, should I ever win the lottery)
- other ways I'd spend my lottery jackpot winnings (if I ever bothered to regularly buy and check my tickets);
- just general musings on life, the universe and everything... as I muddle along on this third planet from the sun.

..... so having said all that, let my blogging begin!!!