Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trying something new...

Well - here it is, 8:45am Tuesday - the day after Valentines Day.  A beautiful and surprisingly warm February morning.... gotta love chinooks - at least when they don't come with migraines!!

One kid is off to school, the other is home with a cold.... probably not bad enough to keep her away from school, but what the heck, she's only in kindergarten, and her grandparents (who are visiting from Ontario) will be leaving in a day or two, so consider this bonding time for them.

I can't really tell you why I've finally decided to start a personal blog - today of all days.  I've been thinking about it for some time, but never having been much of a journaller, I don't know if I'm really ready to commit to this medium, so we'll see how it goes.

I think I want to use this space to record whatever inspires me, or catches my attention at any given time.

I envision posting :
- recipes I discover (in my random quest to find the perfect red velvet anything.... for no other reason than I like how the name rolls off my tongue...RRRRrrrrred Velllllvvvett;
- links to places, videos, photos and podcasts that captivate me (I LOVE www.ted.com and CBC Radio Podcasts);
- crafts and other projects that I'm working on (or more realistically - adding to my list of things I wish to do whenever I find time);
- thoughts about movies I've seen (or want to see);
- books I've read (or am reading);
- music that I lose myself with;
- newly discovered (and old comfort) favourite foods and beverages (I'm an epicurean wannabe... mmmmm goatcheese);
- favourite things (that I would buy all my friends a la Oprah, should I ever win the lottery)
- other ways I'd spend my lottery jackpot winnings (if I ever bothered to regularly buy and check my tickets);
- just general musings on life, the universe and everything... as I muddle along on this third planet from the sun.

..... so having said all that, let my blogging begin!!!

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