Wednesday, March 16, 2011

14 day Countdown to 40 - Self-Indulgence #10

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM a hug in a mug
London Fog

I'm such a tea-granny in my old age - but not for just any old red rose/tetley tea.  Nope,  I like variety in my mug, and generally speaking not of the sweet herbal kind.
In fact I'm such a tea-oholic that I was a member of the Natur'el Tea of the Month Club for a couple of years.  I have a little tea shrine in my kitchen cupboard that overflows with all kinds of tea, from all over the world - Mates from South America, Green, White and Black Teas from all over Asia, and Rooibos from South Africa... not to mention a few local blends made from prairie herbs like chamomile, rosehips and sage.

This morning, while out running errands, I stopped by a little gift shop in Nanton called "Because I Said So...".  The owner, Pam, not only carries a wonderful and eclectic selection of greeting cards and gifts, she also keeps the kettle on in a tiny wee coffee/tea corner. Her menu is small but perfect, so I indulged - and I must say, Pam makes a wicked London Fog!!!

London Fog is a tea latte, made from Earl Grey tea and vanilla, steeped in steaming hot milk.  It's very easy to make at home, using a just a simple food blender, if you don't have an expresso maker, or milk steamer.

I make London Fog at home by heating a mug of 2% milk in the microwave or on the stove, then letting a bag of Earl Grey tea steep in it until the milk begins to turn tea-colour, and I can smell the tea.
Then I stir in either a bit of Torani vanilla syrup, OR vanilla flavouring with a bit of honey or sugar to taste and throw it all into my blender.  Blending it fast enough creates a lovely froth, very similar to steamed milk froth.
As soon as I'm done blending, I pour it right back into my mug, curl up in a sunbeam on the couch, and ENJOY!!!

Hopefully this is just the first of several self-indulgences today - I have some catching up to do :)

As always, Dayna

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