Friday, March 4, 2011

Counting Down - 14 days to my big 4-0

Last year, while celebrating my 39th birthday, I had an epiphany - unlike many women my age, I actually enjoy getting older.  Here's why:

I know myself better now than I ever have, and - I like who I have become.  I have come to realize it's so important to feel comfortable in our own skins because if we don't love and value ourselves - how can we truly love and share ourselves with others?

I have learned not to worry so much about what others think about me and my lifestyle.  I try living my life being the best person/mother/wife and citizen I can be, and don't feel compelled to make compromises because they might make my life easier, or simply to "keep up with the Joneses". 

I am learning not to regret decisions I made in my past... not that I have any skeletons to hide, nor do I have any big secrets... but when I look back over my first 40 revolutions around the sun, even though some choices were difficult, and others might not have been particularly advisable at the time I made them, everything I did has brought me here in the good place I am in my life today.

I am learning to live in the moment, not worrying about future possibilities that are beyond my control.  I am trying to trust that the universe is unfolding as it should, and to enjoy this life's journey for what it is - a big adventure.

I love my community, I love my family and I love my friends.  Even though many of them live so far away from me, thanks to modern technology (especially Facebook), I don't feel as out of the loop with them as I might otherwise ... as hokey as it may sound, I really do feel that my life is full of blessings, and I am Thankful.

SO - over the next 14 days, as I countdown to my big 4-0, I intend to begin celebrating the milestone by treating myself to something special each day - something totally self-indulgent, that makes me feel good .... and I'll write about each of them here.  Some of these self-indulgences might seem silly to you, but whatever, I'm going to enjoy them anyways.

As Always,  Dayna


  1. Very nicely put Dayna. As they say "life is a journey."
    I forgot you were older than me.
